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How to Add a Warehouse

Learn how to create a new warehouse in Zentail

Michael Goldmeier avatar
Written by Michael Goldmeier
Updated over a week ago

To add a new warehouse on your Zentail account, follow the steps below. Note: if adding a warehouse during your onboarding, this should happen after adding your integrations.

Steps to Add a Warehouse

2. In the form that displays, add a unique Warehouse Name to identify your warehouse.

You may also select an Inventory Integration and/or a Fulfillment Integration for the warehouse [optional]. See below for some examples of common configurations.

Inventory Integrations

> If you have a SkuVault integration and want the new warehouse inventory to be controlled by SkuVault, choose it from the drop-down list for the Inventory Integration. > Other common inventory integrations are Amazon (if it's an FBA warehouse) or Walmart (if it's a WFS warehouse).

Fulfillment Integrations

> If you have a ShipStation integration and want the new warehouse orders to be sent to ShipStation for fulfillment, choose ShipStation from the drop-down list for the Fulfillment Integration.

> Other common fulfillment integrations are ShipWorks for merchant fulfillment, Amazon (if it's an FBA warehouse), or Walmart (if it's an WFS warehouse).

3. Click the Create button to save your new warehouse.

4. Your new warehouse will now appear in your list of Warehouses on the Account Settings page. Click on its name to enter Basic Info for that warehouse, such as the Address (required for eBay), and to set the Warehouse Channel Overrides to enable the warehouse to fulfill orders from specific channels.

***Important Note: You must have Admin privileges to create new warehouses. For more information, read about user permissions.

Example Warehouse Configurations

FBA Warehouse Example

FBM Warehouse with ShipStation

FBM Warehouse with SkuVault and ShipStation

WFS Warehouse Example

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