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Common Amazon Errors and How to Resolve Them
Common Amazon Errors and How to Resolve Them

Review this article to learn how to resolve common Amazon errors to ensure your Zentail data is published on Amazon

Doug Feeney avatar
Written by Doug Feeney
Updated over a year ago

Below is a list of common channel errors that you might encounter when attempting to list a SKU and how to address them.

Before we dive in, it's useful to be familiar with the different components of your error message.

Amazon product errors
  1. Channel - This is the channel that this error message is associated with.

  2. Type of Error - States whether this is a Validation Error vs Channel Error.

    • Validation Error: These are alerts and safeties that Zentail has in place to prevent failed listings, prompting you to fill out mandatory attributes like Title or Color that are always needed or the listing will be rejected by any channel.

    • Channel Error: An important point to keep in mind at all times: Zentail displays errors that originate from marketplaces. This means that many of the errors that you see in Zentail are errors that are returned by Amazon, Walmart, eBay, BigCommerce, or Shopify.

  3. Error Message - Usually this is the "meat" of the errors page, it's the details around what could be going wrong!

  4. Relevant Fields - if applicable, Zentail will share fields that are likely relevant to the error message.

  5. Feed - This will show the type of feed the error is coming from.

  6. Date/time - Zentail will display the date that this error took place.

If you are interested in learning more about Validation and Channel errors, please refer to this article on Understanding, Managing, and Fixing Errors for more information.

Amazon Channel Errors

We cannot associate an image with this SKU because the SKU was not created due to another error. Correct all other errors associated with it and resubmit your inventory file to resolve this error.


Image Feed


Why am I seeing this error?

The SKU Zentail is attempting to send image data for doesn't exist! Typically, this means there are additional errors associated with this particular SKU.

How should I resolve this error?

Because SKU creation is done through the product data feeds for Amazon, it is suggested that you view other errors for the SKU, specifically any that have POST_PRODCUT_DATA_ as the feed that triggered the error.

Other things to know:

You will not be able to post new images to your listing until these errors are resolved.

XML Parsing Error at Line 60, Column cvc-pattern-valid: Value 'unknown' is not facet-valid with respect to pattern '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]' for type 'CountryOfOriginType'.: .

Channel Feed:

Product Data Feed


Why am I seeing this error?

When selecting a 'Country of Origin' in your Zentail catalog, choosing 'unknown' will result in a channel error from Amazon.

How should I resolve this error?

Select the appropriate Country of Origin from the dropdown list.

Other things to know:

Common with products in the apparel or clothing categories.

Typically, when dealing with clothing types with Amazon, they will specifically ask for a Country of Origin. Adding unknown usually will result in a channel error.

In most cases, this is insufficient for Amazon and will require this value to be filled in correctly. Please refer to Amazon XSDs on Clothing, Accessories & Luggage to view the raw category data directly from Amazon.

We're unable to complete your request because this SKU is not in the Amazon Catalog. If this was a deleted SKU, wait 24 hours before resubmitting it. If you tried to add this SKU to the Amazon catalog before, check your data and correct any errors before resubmitting.

Channel Feed:

Product Data Feed


Why am I seeing this error?

Zentail sends multiple feeds to Amazon depending on your account's feed settings. Sometimes, Amazon will process one feed before another.

How should I resolve this error?

Be patient! This type of channel error will usually resolve itself within the next 24 hours.

Other things to know:

In rare cases, the recommended action is to completely delete the SKU from your Amazon seller central account and delist the SKU in Zentail. Once 24 hours have passed, relist the SKU in Zentail and submit a new feed. More often than not, this will clear out any channel errors.

'supplier_declared_dg_hz_regulation' is required but not supplied.


'batteries_required' is required but not supplied.

Channel Feed:

Inventory Feed


Why am I seeing this error?

FBA SKUs are required to have two additional bits of information.
'Are Batteries Required'
'Supplier Declared Dg Hz Regulation'

You are seeing this error for one of three reasons.

  1. The two attributes are not filled out in your Catalog.

  2. The two attributes are filled out, but the _POST_PRODUCT_DATA_ feed is failing due to some other channel error.

  3. Product Data is disabled in your Amazon Integration settings and the two attributes are not manually entered on your Amazon Seller Center.

How should I resolve this error?

The two attributes are not filled out in your Catalog

These attributes can be found in your Catalog.

Alternatively, if you do not see these attributes, you can manually add them via this quickedit link here, or by manually selecting 'add attribute' and adding the attribute name.

The two attributes are filled out, but the _POST_PRODUCT_DATA_ feed is failing due to some other channel error.

The above attributes are submitted via the _POST_PRODUCT_DATA_ feed. You need to address the channel error regardless of whether it pertains to 'Are Batteries Required' or 'Supplier Declared Dg Hz Regulation'

Please refer to the article Understanding, Managing, and Fixing Errors.

Product Data is disabled in your Amazon Integration settings and the two attributes are not manually entered on your Amazon Seller Center.

Since Zentail does not have access permission to send product data feeds, we are not able to submit the necessary data in order to comply with FBA SKUs. If this is the case, you will need to manually add the two attributes to your Amazon Seller Center.

Other things to know:

9 times out of 10, the error can be resolved by making sure that the two attributes are filled out.

You are able to view the following information in the _POST_PRODUCT_DATA_ feed via navigating like this.

Scroll through your feed (or use Ctrl + F) and you can see whether you are sending this data or not.

The SKU data provided is different from what's already in the Amazon catalog. The standard_product_id data provided matches ASIN XXXXXXXXXX, but the following data is different from what's already in the Amazon catalog: brand (Merchant: '<Brand Name>' / Amazon: '<Name Brand>'). If this is the right ASIN for your product, update your data to match what's in the Amazon catalog. If it's not the right ASIN, make sure that your data for standard_product_id is correct.

Channel Feed:

Product Data


Why am I seeing this error?

One of the catalog attributes is different on your Amazon Seller Central (Amazon:) and your Zentail (Merchant:) account.

How should I resolve this error?

You want to take care and pay attention to catalog: brand (Merchant: '<Brand Name>' / Amazon: '<Name Brand>') in the error message. This will tell you where exactly the error is and what is different between your Merchant: (Zentail) and Amazon: (Amazon Seller Central). You can resolve this error message by changing what is in Zentail to reflect what is in Amazon, or vice versa.

Another way to resolve this error would be to use EasyList. When using an EasyList ASIN, this takes whatever information is already on Amazon and uses that. Using EasyList only sends minimal product data to Amazon from Zentail.

Lastly, you may be able to resolve this error by changing the specific Channel Attributes via quick-edit. You can change the value that we are sending to Amazon while keeping the same value in Zentail.

Channel Attributes quick-edits

Changing the channel Attribute will satisfy the error while keeping the same information on your Catalog listing.

Changing amazon sizes

Other things to know:

In the above example, Amazon says that it already has a brand name of Name Brand, whereas Zentail has the brand name listed as Name Brand. Since these two are different, the error message will occur.

In other cases, this error can occur when the ASIN is either incorrect or not filled in. This can be resolved by filling in the required ASIN.

You are attempting to change an identity attribute for this SKU. To proceed, please delete this SKU and recreate the SKU with the appropriate identity attribute. For more information and detailed instructions, see:

Channel Feed:

Product Data


Why am I seeing this error?

When this error appears, it means that there are product details within Zentail that do not match the details that Amazon has on file for this ASIN or SKU. Amazon thinks that the SKU is being listed to the wrong ASIN, or Amazon is trying to prevent you from possibly updating this ASIN with incorrect data.

How should I resolve this error?

  • Confirm this is the correct ASIN to list your SKU to. Look through the product data in Zentail and see if there are any small, trivial details that deviate from the information on the ASIN page. Make any changes to your data in Zentail and monitor the SKU to make sure it gets listed.

  • Delete the associated SKU from your Amazon Seller Central. At this point, Zentail will attempt to push a new feed to Amazon with the catalog information in Zentail.

  • Alternatively, you could create an Alias SKU. Alias SKUs in Zentail are SKUs that inherit their inventory from a pre-existing "reference" SKU in Zentail. Alias SKUs by default are Merchant Fulfilled SKUs. You cannot set an Alias SKU as an FBA SKU and send FBA inventory for it.

Other things to know:

Amazon does not always provide enough context to easily identify which specific information is causing the issue. It's important when dealing with Amazon to make sure that when you are using a preexisting ASIN, all product information is correct within Zentail. Amazon's Variation Wizard is a very powerful tool to identify ASINs, product IDs, Product ID types, etc.

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