Below are some of the common listing errors returned from Newegg for missing or incorrect product data and other issues. They're grouped by whether they can be resolved in Zentail or if you need to do take action in your Newegg Seller Portal.
Errors to resolve in Zentail
This Quickedit view is displays the most common attributes involved in listing a product to Newegg.
It is required: [Manufacturer]
Resolution: Add the manufacturer to the SKU's product data in Zentail.
It is required: [CountryOfOrigin]
Resolution: Add Country of Origin to the product data in Zentail.
Please do not include the item's condition here. The system will automatically display this information on the site once your item has been created/ activated.
Resolution: In Zentail remove the item condition from the specified field (Title or Description, for example) and use the Condition attribute instead to specify New, Used, etc.
UPC must be a numeric string of at least 12 digits
Resolution: Make sure that the UPC in Zentail is correct and is 12 or more digits in length.
Product Description - The value in the field: [Product Description] exceeds the maximum number of characters allowed: [4000]
Resolution: In Zentail edit your Description (or Newegg Description Override, if using) to be 4000 characters or less.
βBullet Description - The value in the field: [BulletDescription] exceeds the maximum number of characters allowed: [1000]
Resoluton: In Zentail, edit your Bullet Points to be 1000 characters or less.
Product Description - The following HTML tags are not allowed: NN
Resolution: In Zentail, edit your Description to remove the HTML tags specified. Alternatively, use the Newegg Description Override field using only allowed HTML. For more information on which HTML tags are permitted, review Newegg's guidelines.
The item cannot be activated because of the following reason: Has no image.
Resolution: Add one or more images to your product in Zentail.
Item with the same UPC already exists in our system with a different manufacturer
Resolution: Match your data in Zentail to match the existing UPC.
An item with the same manufacturer and manufacturer part # already exists in our system with a different UPC
Resolution: Match your data in Zentail to the UPC associated with the manufacturer and part number.
An item with Manufacture Part Number NNNNNNN and Item Condition Type [New] already exists in our system with a different Seller Part Number: NNNNNNN
Resolution: Match your data in Zentail to the existing item listing.
Errors to resolve on Newegg
Manufacturer - Manufacturer: [xxx] does not exist! Please submit your manufacturer request to Seller Portal at Manage Items > Manufacturer > Manufacturer Request
Resolution: Go to your Newegg Seller Portal and submit a request to add your manufacturer.
Item(s) cannot activate due to item has been restricted
Resolution: Contact Newegg Seller Support about the item restriction.
Subcategory not available for your store
Resolution: Contact your Newegg Marketplace representative to ask for the subcategory to be added.
Related Reading
Inaccurate Content Policy Examples [Newegg Seller Academy]