To improve the customer experience and standardize sizing, Amazon has certain attributes required for selling clothing. Amazon's required attributes are clothing type specific, and Zentail has made updates to make it easy for you to keep your data compliant.
Because the data requirements vary depending on the clothing type, please refer to the section below for the type of clothing you want to sell for information on the attributes you need to include in Zentail to meet Amazon's requirements.
Multiple Clothing Types: including Sweaters, Dresses, Coats, Tunics, Socks, Underpants, Sweatshirts, Pajamas, Tunics, Suits, Robes, Tights, Blazers, Track Suits, Salwar Suits, and Vests
Bottoms: Pants, Shorts & Overalls
Shapewear: Swimwear, Bras, Corsets, and Undergarment Slips
Conditionally Mandatory Attributes: Size Type & Body Type
Multiple Clothing Types
Sweaters, Dresses, Coats, Tunics, Socks, Underpants, Sweatshirts, Pajamas, Tunics, Suits, Robes, Tights, Blazers, Track Suits, Salwar Suits, and Vests
Be sure that you have each of these mandatory attributes (Target Gender, Age Range, and Size) and your Smart Type filled out with valid values, and Zentail will be able to infer the rest! Each of these attributes is available in QuickEdit and is importable and exportable, so it's easy to export your SKUs with the correct fields, make the edits to the download spreadsheet and import back into Zentail.
We've set up a QuickEdit view to help you get started! Refer to the Valid Values section below for more information.
Mandatory attributes Target Gender, Body Type and Age Range should be filled out in Zentail, along with Size. Size values can be numeric, alpha, or age range. Alternatively, shirts may be sized by, Neck Size or Neck Size plus Sleeve Length. We strongly recommend including a Smart Type as well.
Each of these attributes is available in QuickEdit and is importable and exportable, so it's easy to export your SKUs with the correct fields, make the edits to the download spreadsheet and import right back into Zentail.
If you are using neck size and/or sleeve length, be sure to include a unit of measure, either IN or CM.
The neck and sleeve size values may be a single value or a range, indicated with a "-". Examples of valid values for neck are 12 IN, 12.5 IN, 16.5-17 IN. Examples of valid values for sleeve length are 27 IN, 40 IN, 38-39 IN.
Here's a QuickEdit view to help you get started! Refer to the Valid Values information below for more information.
Pants, Shorts & Overalls
Mandatory attributes Target Gender and Age Range should be filled out in Zentail, along with Size. Size values can be numeric, alpha, age range. Alternatively, bottoms may be sized using Waist Size or Waist Size plus Inseam Length. We strongly recommend including a Smart Type as well.
Each of these attributes is available in QuickEdit and is importable and exportable, making it easy to export your SKUs with the correct fields, make the edits to the download spreadsheet and import back into Zentail.
If you are using waist size or inseam length, be sure to include a unit of measure, either IN or CM.
If you are using waist sizing, you should also include Size Type (i.e. Short, Regular, Long, etc.). See the section below on Conditionally Mandatory Attributes for more information on these attributes and their valid values.
We've set up a QuickEdit View to help you get started! Refer to the Valid Values section below for more information.
Mandatory attributes Target Gender and Age Range should be filled out in Zentail, along with Size. Size values can be numeric, alpha, age range. Alternatively, skirts may be sized using Waist Size plus Size Type instead. As always, we strongly recommend including a Smart Type as well!
If you use Waist Size, be sure to include:
The correct unit of measure (IN or CM) in the Waist Size Uom field.
Size Type (i.e. Short, Regular, Long, etc.). See the section below on Conditionally Mandatory Attributes for more information on these attributes and their valid values.
Each of these attributes is available in QuickEdit and is importable and exportable, making it easy to export your SKUs with the correct fields, make the edits to the download spreadsheet and import back into Zentail.
We've set up a QuickEdit View to help you get started! Refer to the Valid Values section below for more information.
includes Swimwear, Bras, Corsets, and Undergarment Slips
Mandatory attributes Target Gender and Age Range should be filled out in Zentail, along with Size. Size values can be numeric, alpha, or age range.
Alternatively, shapewear items may be sized by Cup Size plus Bra Band Size. We strongly recommend including a Smart Type as well.
If you are using Cup Size and Bra Band Size, be sure to also specify Bra Band Size Uom (IN or CM).
Each of these attributes is available in QuickEdit and is importable and exportable, so it's easy to export your SKUs with the correct fields, make the edits to the download spreadsheet and import right back into Zentail.
Here's a QuickEdit view to help you get started! Refer to the Valid Values information below for more information.
Mandatory attributes Target Gender and Age Range should be filled out in Zentail, along with Size. Size values can be numeric, alpha, or age range.
Each of these attributes is available in QuickEdit and is importable and exportable, making it easy to export your SKUs with the correct fields, make the edits to the download spreadsheet and import back into Zentail.
We've set up a QuickEdit View to help you get started! Refer to the Valid Values section below for more information.
Conditionally Mandatory Attributes
These attributes may be required or optional, depending on clothing type, age range, and gender. Valid values also vary depending on clothing type, age range, and gender. The default value for both attributes is "regular". This QuickEdit View includes the columns for these two attributes.
Size Type (sent to Amazon as Height Type)
extra tall
Body Type
Valid Values
Target Gender
Valid values:
Age Range
The valid values for Age Range are below; the value sent to Amazon is shown in brackets. For adult sizes, select "All Ages".
Up to 2 [Infant]
Ages 3-5 [Toddler]
Ages 6-8 [Little Kid]
Ages 9-10 [Big Kid]
Ages 10-12 [Big Kid]
Ages 13+ [Adult]
All Ages [Adult]
The size may be a single value or a range of values (indicated with a dash).
Small, Medium, X- Large
4, 6-8, 32, 30-31
3 Months, 2 Years, 6-7 Years
12 IN, 16.5 IN, 12-12.5 IN [Neck Size]
27 IN, 37.5 IN, 38-39 IN [Sleeve Length]
All other required attributes will be inferred by Zentail based on the attributes above!
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Do I need to fill out the Size System or Size Class attributes that are mentioned on Amazon's website?
A: No, if the required attributes mentioned above have valid values, Zentail will infer and send the correct values for Size System and Size Class.
Q: What do I need to enter for Fabric Type?
A: There are only certain values that are accepted for Fabric type and they are fairly restrictive compared to other attributes, these rules are documented here.
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