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Walmart Fulfillment Lag Time

Learn about the default lag time sent to Walmart and how to put in place a Walmart Lag Time Exception for specific SKUs.

Ziggy avatar
Written by Ziggy
Updated over 6 years ago

Starting 10/31/17, Walmart will only accept a lag time of 0 or 1 day in the inventory feeds; anything greater than 1, Walmart will automatically replace with a lag time of 1 day.Β 

***Zentail will send a lag time of 1 day for all of your SKUs to Walmart, regardless of lead time on your Warehouses unless you've put in place a Walmart Lag Time exception for that SKU on Zentail. Walmart will only accept a lag time greater than 1 if you have been approved by Walmart for a Lag Time Exception. Zentail will continue to send your Warehouse's lead time to the other channels.***

If you need to apply for lag time exceptions, please refer to Walmart's knowledge base article here.

Put in place a Walmart Lag Time Exception on Zentail

  1. In order for a lag time exception to be accepted by Walmart, you must first be approved for a Lag Time Exception in the respective category.
    - Request Lag Time Exceptions

  2. Upload the Lag Time Exception into Zentail using:
    - The User Interface
    - The import / export feature

Using the User Interface

  1. Find the SKU you'd like to edit on your Catalog page on Zentail

  2. Click on the SKU, find the Walmart integration card > Advanced Options

  3. Enter the new lag time in the Lag Time Exception field, Click Update or Update & Push.

Using the Import / Export Feature

  1. Create a template with the field Walmart Lag Time Exception

  2. Import the value for each SKU you'd like to edit
    - Please refer to the article How to use Import / Export to make Bulk Edits to Catalog and Inventory for more information on using the import tool.

FAQs about Walmart's new Fulfillment Lag Time Requirements as outlined in their knowledgebase:

Q: If I upload or edit Lag Time Exception in bulk, will Zentail automatically send a Lag Time Exception feed to Walmart for all associated SKUs or do I need to update and push each SKU?
A: Zentail sends Lag Time Exception feed for all products every 4 hours if Lag Time is changed.
Q: Does 1 day of lag time mean I have only 24 hours to ship the order?

A: No. On average, 1 extra day of lag gives a seller about 48 business hours to ship the order. We also always give sellers until the very end of the expected shipment day to provide the shipping confirmation to Walmart. You can see specific examples in Shipping Methods and Timing.

Q: If the order is placed on Friday before the 2:00 PM cutoff, and I have 1 day of lag, do you expect me to ship the order on Saturday?
A: No. Under the new Order Processing Schedule (Monday through Friday), your expected shipment date can never fall on a weekend. Hence, we will expect you to ship the order by the end of the day on Monday.

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