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What is the process for going live on eBay?
What is the process for going live on eBay?

This article highlights the steps necessary to go live on eBay

Michael Goldmeier avatar
Written by Michael Goldmeier
Updated over 2 years ago

So you want to launch on eBay?

Here are the steps to launch, or integrate, your Zentail catalog with eBay. For each step, click on the corresponding anchor link and follow the instructions.

Generate Live Token to connect your eBay account with Zentail

  • Go to the Zentail Integrations page

  • On the left sidebar => Click the eBay option

  • Toggle to "Production Mode" 

  • Scroll down and click the "Generate Live Token" button. 

  • Enter your eBay login credentials and approve the Zentail Commerce eBay application. 

  • You will be re-directed back to Zentail => Click back into the eBay option 

  • Enter your PayPal email address in the “PayPal Email Address” field. 

  • Click “SAVE SETTINGS” 

Manage your eBay business policies on Zentail

You can set up business policies on eBay, which will flow directly into Zentail. You can then set up default policies within Zentail, which will be used when creating or updating eBay listings from Zentail. In addition, you can select a specific policy to use on a per-SKU basis.

To manage your eBay business policies, visit:

Opt In to use eBay Business Policies

If you do not have access to eBay Business Policies you may see the following error. 

Setting Account-wide eBay Business Policies

  1. Go to the Integrations page => Select your eBay channel

  2. Scroll down and click "MANAGE BUSINESS POLICIES"

  3. In the "Manage Business Policies" view, click "SEARCH" and press "Enter." Click the dropdown for each policy type (Payment, Returns, Shipping)

  4. Select the policy you want to use for each policy type. Newly created business policies in your eBay portal may take up to 1 hour to be retrievable in Zentail.

  5. Click "ACTIVATE SELECTED POLICIES." Your selected policies should now be displayed on the left side of the "Manage Business Policies" view

Set your Default Business Policies

  1. Go back to the Integrations page => Make sure the "Use Business Policies" box is checked

  2. Select a DEFAULT Payment, Shipping and Return Policy on the right hand side using the drop down menu. 

  3. Scroll down => Click "SAVE SETTINGS" (found on the bottom right)

Note: If you don't see a policy in the drop down it means you have not activated the business policy.

If you were NOT previously LIVE or would like to Overwrite Product data on eBay, you may proceed with the following:

  1. Go back to the eBay section of the Integrations page

  2. Scroll down to the "Actions" section => Click "UPDATE ALL PRODUCTS"

Note: Clicking Update All Products will overwrite existing product data on eBay with the data that is in Zentail

Adding Business Policies on a Per-SKU Basis

  1. Click on a SKU in your Catalog

  2. Scroll down the left sidebar to the "eBay" card => Click "ADVANCED OPTIONS"

  3. In the slider that appears => Select the policy you would like to use as an override for this specific SKU

  4. Click "UPDATE & PUSH"

Set Business Policy Overrides for SKUs in bulk

  1. Prepare a .csv import with the following headers: SKU, "Your eBay store" (eBay) Shipping Policy Override, "Your eBay store" (eBay) Payment Policy Override, "Your eBay store" (eBay) Payment Policy Override

  2. Navigate to the eBay business policy screen in Zentail to obtain the Policy IDs (screenshot below)

  3. Enter the associated ID into the correct cells in your spreadsheet 

  4. Import the .csv to the Templateless Product Data Import

Important to consider

Once eBay Business Policies are enabled, you will not be able to use your old account-wide and per-SKU eBay Shipping and Return Options that you had set in Zentail. To clarify, this means your old basic shipping options, payment  and Returns settings won't work and will need to be replaced by a business policy as referenced above. If you did not use the Zentail shipping options you may disregard this.

Allow eBay listings to show as out of stock

This is an important step to take to make sure that listings that you do not have in stock display as such on eBay and you can avoid overselling. Follow these steps to enable this setting on eBay: 

  1. Go to My eBay > Account > Site Preferences

  2. Under “Selling Preferences,” click “Show” next to Sell Your Item form and listings

  3. Click “Edit” next to “Use the out-of-stock option”

  4. Select the checkbox, then click “Apply”

See this article from ebay for more on this.

Make sure your SKUs match the Custom Label field on eBay

Zentail connects with your eBay listing through the Custom Label field. If you need to change or edit your Custom Label fields on eBay (to match the SKU on Zentail) you can do so in one of two ways.  Both ways involve going directly into your eBay account:

  1. Edit the Custom Label field directly on your eBay portal; or

  2. Upload a CSV file to change your Custom Labels in bulk within eBay File Exchange

To upload your Custom Labels using File Exchange, please refer to the below steps:

  1. Download Active Listings (download format: Add unique identifiers (UPC/EAN/SBN/Brand/MPN)

  2. Add column at end of sheet: CustomLabel

  3. Update information

  4. Save as a CSV file

  5. Upload 

Enable your eBay Feeds

Product Data

Enabling the eBay Product Data Sync on your Zentail integrations page gives Zentail permission to send your product data to eBay. Before you enable this feed option, make sure you're confident in your product data in Zentail.

Key Considerations

When does Zentail send product data to eBay?

Please note that Zentail will send product data to eBay:

  1. If the Product Data Sync Feed is enabled and 

  2. The SKU is set to "List" to eBay

  3. The SKU is an "Active" SKU on Zentail

  4. OR if the SKU is set to "List" and you click "Update & Push" under the eBay Advanced Options (even if the Product Data Feed is disabled)

If the above conditions are satisfied, Zentail will send a product data feed to eBay:

  1. Whenever a SKU is set to list on eBay OR

  2. A SKU is listed to eBay and you click Update and Push under the eBay Advanced Options for that SKU (even if the Product Data Feed is disabled)

Steps to complete before enabling the Product Data

  1. Confirm your product data is in good shape on Zentail- You have imported your best source of product data - You have resolved your eBay Critical Issues - You have imported your eBay business policies - Titles, description, images, bullet points, etc. are all in Zentail.

  2. Make sure your integration is in Production Mode

Enabling the Product Data Sync Feed

  1. Complete all steps in the above "Steps to complete before enabling the Product Data Sync feed" section.

  2. Go to your Integrations page on Zentail

  3. Make sure you are view the eBay integration tab.

  4. Enable the Product Data Sync Feed

  5. Click on "Save Settings"!


Enabling the eBay Pricing Sync on your Zentail integrations page gives Zentail permission to send price to eBay. Before you enable this feed option, make sure you've reviewed the article on How to Audit Your Pricing in Zentail and you are confident about your pricing in Zentail.

Key Considerations

When does Zentail send price to eBay?

Please note that Zentail will send price info to eBay:

  1. If the Price Sync Feed is enabled;

  2. The SKU is set to "List" to eBay; AND

  3. The SKU is an "Active" SKU on Zentail

If the above conditions are satisfied, Zentail will send a price feed to eBay:

  1. Whenever the price changes on Zentail OR

  2. At least once every 24 hours

  3. If you click update and push under the eBay Advanced Options (not recommended)

Steps to complete before enabling the Pricing Sync feed

  1. Make sure your integration is in Production Mode

When you should NOT enable the Pricing Sync feed

If any of the below circumstances apply to you, you may want to keep the pricing sync feed disabled:

  • You use Quantity Discounts Pricing on eBay

  • Your pricing in Zentail is not accurate

Enabling the Pricing Sync Feed

  1. Complete all steps in the above "Steps to complete before enabling the Pricing Sync feed" section

  2. Go to your Integrations page on Zentail

  3. Make sure you are view the eBay integration tab

  4. Enable the Pricing Sync Feed

  5. Save Settings!


Enabling the eBay Inventory Sync on your Zentail integrations page gives Zentail permission to send inventory data to eBay. Before you enable this feed option, make you are confident about the inventory in Zentail.

Key Considerations

When does Zentail send inventory to eBay?

Please note that Zentail will send inventory info to eBay:

  1. If the Inventory Sync Feed is enabled

  2. The SKU is set to "List" to eBay

  3. The SKU is an "Active" SKU on Zentail

If the above conditions are satisfied, Zentail will send a price feed to eBay:

  1. Whenever the inventory changes on Zentail as a result of a change from anywhere other than eBay* OR

  2. At least once every 24 hours

*This means, if you upload a new quantity into Zentail, or an order comes in from a non-eBay channel, then Zentail needs to notify eBay of the new quantity.  If the quantity changes due to an order on eBay for that SKU, Zentail does not need to inform eBay of the new quantity. eBay has already deducted quantity to account for that order.

Steps to complete before enabling the Inventory Sync feed

  1. Generate your Live Token

  2. Make sure your integration is in Production Mode

  3. Turn on your Orders Sync with all necessary channels

  4. Upload accurate inventory into Zentail

  5. Set up your fulfillment lead time - On a warehouse level - On a SKU level

  6. Enter a Max Listed Quantity on Your eBay Integrations Page

When you should NOT enable the Inventory Sync feed

If any of the below circumstances apply to you, you may want to keep the inventory sync feed disabled:

  • You do not have accurate inventory in Zentail

Enabling the Inventory Sync Feed

  1. Complete all steps in the above "Steps to complete before enabling the Inventory Sync feed" section.

  2. Go to your Integrations page on Zentail

  3. Make sure you are view the eBay integration tab.

  4. Enable the Inventory Sync Feed

  5. Save Settings!

Note:  If you get errors from eBay related to the inventory feeds, check My eBay > Account > Site Preferences.  In “Selling Preferences” you can open “Sell Your Item form and listings”, and choose “Yes, Use the option out of stock”.


Enabling the eBay Orders Sync on your Zentail integrations page gives Zentail permission to send and receive your order data with eBay.  Before you enable this feed option, make sure you're confident about any automated fulfillment settings you have with Zentail.

Key Considerations

When does Zentail send order info to eBay?

Please note that Zentail will send order info to eBay:

  1. If the Orders Sync Feed is enabled

  2. Your eBay integration is in Production Mode

  3. An order has changed status from pending to shipped or cancelled on Zentail

If the above conditions are satisfied, Zentail will send updated order information to eBay:

  1. Within 15 minutes of the order status update on Zentail

Steps to complete before enabling the Orders Sync feed

  1. Generate your Live Token

  2. Make sure your integration is in Production Mode

  3. Make sure you understand any potential order fulfillment repercussions -- i.e. if Zentail is routing your eBay orders to ShipStation and another system is routing your eBay orders to ShipStation, you want to avoid double-fulfilling any orders.

Enabling the Orders Sync Feed

  1. Complete all steps in the above "Steps to complete before enabling the Orders Sync feed" section.

  2. Go to your Integrations page on Zentail

  3. Make sure you are viewing the eBay integration tab.

  4. Enable the Orders Sync Feed

  5. Save Settings!

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