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Exporting Data

How to create reports, extract product data, order data, and other information from your Catalog

Taj Singh avatar
Written by Taj Singh
Updated over a week ago

The EXPORT page is where you can extract product data, sales numbers and any other information you might need. You will see exports referred to as "Reports" in Zentail. All types of reports can be accessed through EXPORT.

Exporting Data from Zentail

  1. Click EXPORT from the menu at the top right of most Zentail pages.

  2. On the left you will see three template categories: Product, Sales and Onboarding. Select the template you want to export. (We will use the prebuilt Product > Price template in this example.) More on customizing these templates can be found here.

You will see a number of options:

Include Header - This gives you the option to include headers as the first row of your export. The most common practice is to keep this option selected.

Export for Excel (protects leading 0s by wrapping in ="") - When you open a file in Excel, it is common for your UPCs to auto-convert to scientific notation. If that's the case, they'll appear similar to "8.9+11". This can be dangerous if you were to re-import that data into Zentail. To avoid this, Zentail will wrap your UPCs and SKUs in quotation marks! This is Zentail's way of preserving formatting and avoiding entering bad data into Zentail.

Schedule - A Scheduled Report is a modified version of a normal report, with options for the interval and frequency on which it will be scheduled to run automatically. More on Scheduled Reports here.

Transfer Report (FTP) - Checking this box will allow you to transfer the exported CSV to an FTP location, these locations can be configured in your Account Settings:

Email Report - As you might have guessed, this report can be emailed to a list of desired addresses. Simply add the email address and then click the + icon:


Active Products Only - This filters out any inactive or archived products. To view your entire catalog, including archived SKUs, un-check this option.

Advanced Filter > Formula - Seen if you click “Advanced Filter” You can write a filter formula to filter for specific products. This can be used to export SKUs that have a blank title field, or brand that contains "ABC", etc... Learn more by reviewing the article: How to Write a Filter Formula for Imports and Exports.

  1. Click Download.

You’ll be shown the current download, its progress, and a link to download it as soon as its ready:

Accessing Previous Exports

You can access and download the files that you've previously exported from Zentail. To do so:

  1. Navigate to your EXPORT page on Zentail.

  2. Select the PREVIOUS EXPORTS tab.

  3. Use the Download arrow icon to download the contents of the export.

Scheduling Reports

A Scheduled Report is a modified version of a normal report, with options for the interval and frequency on which it will be scheduled to run automatically.

From the Export page, click Run Existing Report.

Select a report template as normal, and in the second step, check the box marked “Schedule

Here you can select the date, the time, and how often youd like the report to run.

By selecting the check box marked "Email This Report" you can also add one or more email addresses that this report will automatically be sent to upon generation, so that you can easily include all interested parties.

This feature saves you having to spend time generating and downloading a report manually if you expect to run that report on a regular basis. Configure it once and then have the reports sent to you until you configure them to arrive on a different date or stop them entirely.

To see a list of all reports that you have scheduled as well as when they are configured to be run and sent, you can click "Scheduled" along the top of the Export page.

As we continue to add new reporting abilities, these improvements will feed directly into this workflow, increasing the amount of daily work you’re able to automate and entrust to the Zentail platform.

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