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Variant Specific Bullet Points

Learn how to send variant specific bullet points to Amazon and Walmart

Juliet Bishop avatar
Written by Juliet Bishop
Updated over 4 years ago

Customizing the bullet points for each variant in a product group is a great way to optimize your product data for Amazon and Walmart. Zentail now makes it possible to do this on a per SKU basis directly on the UI, in Quick Edit and in bulk.Β 

Setting Up Variant Bullet Points Directly in Zentail

Under both the Amazon and Walmart channel integration cards select "Advanced Options"

In the sidebar that pops up you'll find the options to include 5 bullet point overrides.Β 

Even if you only want to overwrite some of the bullet points, you need to fill out all of the override bullets. Otherwise, only the bullet overrides that are filled out will be sent to the channel.

Once you fill these out then Zentail will send different bullet points for this SKU to Amazon. To send different bullet points to Walmart you follow the same process.

Note: this is currently only possible to do for Amazon and Walmart

Setting Up Variant Bullet Points in Quick Edit

You'll want to use the columns Amazon Bullet Point1, Amazon Bullet Point2, etc and Walmart Bullet Point1, Walmart Bullet Point2, etc. You can edit the variant bullet points directly in Quick Edit:

Note: Do not use the Amazon Bullet Points or Walmart Bullet Points columns.

Setting Up Variant Bullet Points Through an Import

Use the same column names from Quick Edit: Amazon Bullet Point1, Amazon Bullet Point2, etc and Walmart Bullet Point1, Walmart Bullet Point2, etc. to set up a spreadsheet or csv where SKU is the first column followed by the bullet point override columns. Then you can use our Templateless Import to set and edit bullet point overrides in bulk.

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