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Catalog Filters Explained
Catalog Filters Explained

What the catalog filters mean and how to use them to optimize your catalog.

Ziggy avatar
Written by Ziggy
Updated over 2 years ago

Your catalog view in Zentail has several default filters available that are useful for optimizing your listings and your product data.  This article covers the default filters, but you can use custom filters in the QuickEdit view to create your own filters.  

In the Catalog View

All -- This includes every SKU that's ever been in your Zentail catalog.
Active -- Only SKUs that aren't archived, meaning you still carry this product in your catalog.
Inactive -- The opposite of active.  These products have been out of stock (OOS) for over thirty days, or you've manually marked them as archived.

  • Kits - products that are bundled together

  • Aliases - products that inherit their inventory from a master SKU

In Stock -- You guessed it!  These products have inventory above zero.
Out of Stock -- You're on a roll!  These products don't have inventory.
Channel Errors -- Products that the channels are showing errors for.
FBA -- Products that are marked as eligible for FBA (note that these can still have merchant fulfilled inventory too).
Missing Attributes -- These products are missing one of the following attributes, which likely means there also not eligible to be listed to a marketplace.


  • Title

  • Item Price

  • Image

  • Smart Type

Amazon - Each channel has the same filters below (we'll use Amazon as an example). Also, these filters only apply to settings in Zentail.  For example, a product could be listed on a marketplace, but not listed in Zentail.  That just means that the product is not set to list in Zentail, so Zentail is not controlling any product data, price, or inventory levels for that channel listing.

  • Listed - These products are set to list from Zentail, meaning that as long as there are no errors then Zentail is controlling the content on this listing for whatever feed options are enabled on the integrations page (i.e. product data, price, inventory).

  • Not Listed, Listable - Zentail hasn't identified any critical issues with this product, but the SKU hasn't been set to list from Zentail.

  • Not Listable - Zentail has identified a critical issue for this product.  If you tried to set this product to list the channel would return an error.  Ideally, this number should be as close to zero as possible.

  • Listed, Not Relistable - This product has been set to list, but there is an issue or error that would prevent this product from being shown on the marketplace.

Note:  Any catalog filter that has a magnifying glass icon can easily be exported. 

Simply click on the magnifying glass, and you'll be taken to a Quick Edit catalog view that is already filtered for that selection.  From there, you can further customize the report or just click on "Export View" to download a report that includes the selected SKUs.  

In the Groups View

There are additional filters to help you manage product groups.  To take advantage of these filters, you to the drop-down in the top left of your catalog view where it says "Catalog" and select "Groups"

  • All -- All of your product groups

  • In Stock

  • Out of Stock

  • Duplicate Variations -- These products would get an error from sales channels because two products have the exact same variation.  For example, two shirts in the group are marked as "red, medium".  Your goal is to always have zero groups with duplicate variations

A convenient aspect of this view is that when you click on a master SKU it takes you directly into the edit product group view, where you can edit the variation attributes for each product in the group.

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