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Account Settings Overview
Account Settings Overview

Manage your warehouse rules, company settings, user settings and e-mail alerts, vendor / brand management, user permissions, and billing.

Ziggy avatar
Written by Ziggy
Updated over a week ago


This article will review how to use the Account Settings page in Zentail to manage the following: 

Here is a quick video reviewing the Account Settings page in Zentail: 

To access your Account Settings, hover over the Account tab to reveal the drop-down menu and then click on "Settings":  

Once on the Account Settings page, you'll notice the left-hand menu allows you to access your warehouse settings, company settings, user settings, vendor / brand management settings, company user permissions, labels, and (depending on your user permissions) your billing.


The warehouses section of the Account Settings page allows you to manage your warehouse basic information, settings, address, and channel overrides (or what channel your warehouse is enabled to fulfill orders from).

Basic Info

Basic Info allows you to manage your warehouse's name and phone number. You can set a Company Name, something that will be tracked in this section on Zentail but will not be displayed anywhere else.


The Address section is where you can enter the address for each warehouse. We also include a special section for eBay Location as a specific zip code we'll send just to eBay.


In the Settings section, you will manage your

  • Lead time: The time to fulfill orders

  • Set any default label dimensions

  • If your Zentail platform is integrated with SkuVault or Fishbowl, enter the Warehouse code. This is how Zentail adds inventory from your SkuVault / Fishbowl warehouse to the corresponding Zentail Warehouse.

  • Dropship Warehouse: If this box is checked to indicate that the warehouse is a dropship warehouse, its inventory will be excluded from calculations for Demand Forecasting

Warehouse Channel Overrides

From your Channel Overrides section, you can enable or disable each warehouse from fulfilling orders to a specific channel. 

Channel Overrides are useful if the lead time for a specific warehouse does not meet the requirements of a certain channel. Overrides can also be used to disable FBA from fulfilling orders from Walmart. If a warehouse is disabled on a certain channel, Zentail does not include inventory from the disabled warehouse when sending inventory updates to the channel.

Company Settings

The Company Settings tab allows you to manage a number of key features in Zentail. This includes your inventory threshold, default warehouse, auto-archive settings, warehouse priority list, purchase order lead time, and tax nexus settings.

Account Settings

  • Activate an inventory threshold: a feature that helps reduce the risk of backorders for fast-moving products.

  • Choose your default warehouse. The default warehouse is useful to ensure visibility of orders if you use an integration to fulfill your orders. There are situations when an order comes into Zentail for a SKU that does not exist in Zentail (it was likely created directly on the channel and never on Zentail). Those orders won't be able to follow the warehouse fulfillment priority list because Zentail doesn't have any information about the SKU, or where its inventory is. This order would still get routed to a warehouse if you have your default warehouse saved.

  • Set your auto-archive setting. This setting dictates when Zentail should automatically archive SKUs that have been out of stock. The default is 30 days, however you can change this to however many days you like. Adding quantity to a SKU that was auto-archived will unarchive it. 

  • Purchase Order Lead Time: this allows you to set a lead time for inbound shipments in the Supply Chain Manager prior to making the inventory in that shipment available in the warehouse

  • Tax Nexus: this is used for sending tax nexus information while onboarding to Facebook Marketplace. This is the only marketplace that this information will be sent to. 

Warehouse Fulfillment Priority Settings

This is a very valuable tool in Zentail. If you have inventory in multiple warehouses, where should Zentail route the order? This list allows you to set the rules within Zentail and automate your order-routing process. You can learn more about this feature here: Set your Warehouse Priority settings for fulfilling orders.

Predefined Packages

This section allows you to create and edit your account's predefined package dimensions. This is useful if you have a large number of SKUs that have the same shipping dimensions (length, width, height, and weight). Once you've created predefined packages, you can quickly select them while editing a SKU under Price & Availability => Shipping.

You can upload your company logo here. Your company logo is shown on Zentail pages and on packing slips generated through Zentail.

User Settings

Your User Settings section currently has two fields: Add a user photo and E-mail Settings. If you choose to add a photo, it will display in the Product History section of a SKU next to any actions you took.

Email settings allows you to opt-in or out of e-mail notifications from Zentail. Currently, Zentail can send an e-mail notification whenever an order comes in and/or whenever an order requires additional attention. 

Vendor and Brand Management

This section allows you to add or remove vendors and brands from your registry. You can learn more about this section here: Vendor / Brand Management. You'll also be able to store vendor contact information in the near future.

Company User Management

This section allows you to add new users, manage user permissions, delete users and to reactivate deleted users


  • General Access - Provides a user with general access to Zentail. This is the bare minimum and should be checked for all active users

  • Account Admin - Gives a user the permission to create new users, as well as editing other users' permissions

  • Sales Data Access - Gives a user the ability to view high-level sales data on the Dashboard and access to Zentail's Analytics suite

  • Billing Access- This permission allows users to view the Billing section of the Account Settings page. This includes links to the invoicing system to pay for a Zentail subscription, and the ability to update your company's credit card.

  • Shipping Data Access - This permission allows users to view Personally Identifying Information for orders, like Customer Name and Customer Address. These are the same fields that are hashed in accordance with Zentail's Data Protection Policy.

API Access

The Zentail Open API is a suite of development functionality for accessing data in Zentail, connecting with 3rd party systems, and building applications that can be offered to our growing customer base.

The API Access section of your Account Settings page allows you to view, create, and manage your API Tokens.

Generate New Token

Your API Token is a unique identifier that allows you or your developers access your Zentail account via our Open API.

To generate an API Token:

  1. Click API Access.


You can copy the active API token by clicking on the clipboard icon as shown below. You can also label the token for your reference in the label field. Please remember to keep your token secret.


The Billing section gives you access to your previous and current Zentail invoices as well as the ability to update your credit card information. You can view the month, amount, and status of each invoice. You can also go directly to the billing portal from this section. Please contact your Account Admin if you believe you should have access to this section. 

Update billing information

  • You now have the ability to update your credit card information directly in Zentail.

  • Go to Account Settings -> Billing -> Update Credit Card


Within your Account Settings page, you can manage your existing labels. This includes editing the color for your labels. You can also click on any label to instantly navigate to a your QuickEdit view where you can filter by each label!

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