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Using Labels on Zentail

Label your SKUs to make them easy to identify, filter for, and include in business rules.

Michael Goldmeier avatar
Written by Michael Goldmeier
Updated over 3 years ago

Imagine being able to slap a sticky note on your SKU within Zentail. And then imagine being able to filter by SKUs with this sticky note on QuickEdit, or build bulk actions for SKUs with this sticky note. You can accomplish this functionality and more by using Labels on Zentail!

This article will review how to:

Create New Labels

You can create new Labels directly on a SKU. Simply open the SKU you want to add a label to, find the Add Label + option (directly beneath the EDIT button). Then create and add a new label!

You can also create new labels in you Account Settings. Read more below.

Add or Remove labels to SKUs on the Catalog page

Adding a label

  1. Find and select the SKU on which you want to add or remove labels.

  2. As shown in the video above, simply click on "Add Label +".

  3. In the popup that appears type in the text you want on the label and click Add Label to save. In a few seconds your new label will appear.

Removing a label

  1. Find and select the SKU on which you want to add or remove labels.

  2. Find the label you want to remove.

  3. Click the 'X' icon next to that label.

Add or Remove labels to SKUs on the QuickEdit page

Adding a label

  1. Add "Labels" as a column to your QuickEdit view.

  2. Find and select the SKU on which you want to add a label.

  3. Select "Add Label +" > Type in the Label > click Add Label

Removing a label

  1. Add "Labels" as a column to your QuickEdit view.

  2. Find and select the SKU on which you want to remove a label.

  3. Click the 'X' icon next to the label you would like to remove.

Add or Remove labels to SKUs using the Import feature

You can use the import / export tool to add, remove, or view your labels in bulk! Here's a quick breakdown of the relevant attributes you might include in a template:

  • Labels - This is a text only field that allows you to export the labels currently assigned to your SKUs. You can only use this to export your labels, so you won't be able to include this attribute on any csv you're importing into Zentail.

  • Add Label - This allows you to add labels in bulk on Zentail. If you want to add more than one label to a SKU via import, just add an additional "Add Label" field to your template! This is an import only field, so you won't be able to export any data with this attribute.

  • Remove Label - This allows you to remove labels in bulk on Zentail. If you want to remove more than one label from a SKU via import, just add an additional "Remove Label" field to your template! This is an import only field, so you won't be able to export any data with this attribute.

Filter for SKUs with certain label(s) on the QuickEdit view

Hopefully you're already familiar with the QuickEdit view on Zentail. If not, it's a great idea to review this article: Quick Edit Catalog View. By adding the Labels column to your custom QuickEdit view, you can choose to filter for SKUs that contain certain labels! Remember, checking the "Negate" check-box of your filter tells Zentail to exclude whatever you're filtering for.

This makes for a super flexible way to stay organized and filter which SKUs you do or do not want to view!

Edit and manage labels in your Account Settings

Within your Account Settings page, you can manage your existing labels. This includes:

  • Editing the color or names for your labels
    + Updating an existing label will update the name or color of this label across your catalog.

  • Creating new labels

  • Deleting existing labels

You can also click on any label to instantly navigate to a your QuickEdit view where you can filter by each label!

General notes about using Labels

A few quick notes about using labels on Zentail:

  • Labels will be saved as in all lowercase no matter what.

  • Before you can delete a label, it must be removed from all (but one) SKUs.

  • Deleting a label will remove it from the SKU where it was still being used (if applicable).

  • Functionality is coming soon to create a drop-down of existing Labels after you start typing one in!

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