Using the Listing Status Page

How to use the Listing Status page to target Needs Attention SKUs and get more products listed

Michael Goldmeier avatar
Written by Michael Goldmeier
Updated over a week ago

Zentail's Listing Status page is a great way to get a holistic view of your catalog across all selling channels and what proportion of your SKUs are listed. It's also an excellent way to focus attention on any SKUs that need attention and take action to ensure that they list successfully.


To access the Listing Status page, use Zentail's main menu to go to Catalog > Listing Status.


On the Listing Status page you'll find an easy-to-understand display of the active SKUs in your catalog, broken down by channel and whether they are Listed with No Errors (green), Not Listed (gray), or Need Attention (red).

Table View

To view a QuickEdit-style table of the SKUs in a particular channel and segment (i.e. Not Listed, Needs Attention, or Listed with No Errors), click on the desired channel name and then the segment of interest. In the example below, the Shopify store has been selected, and then the Needs Attention segment was clicked. (Note: If you want to return to the main Listing Status page or to view a different channel, simply click on the integration name again.)

In the table that's created, you can further filter your SKUs by clicking on the triangular filter icon for the desired column, depending on your focus. For example, you can filter for SKUs with a specific Brand or Label or for SKUs created on a specific date. To clear an existing filter, simply click on the trash can icon.

In addition, you can include other columns such as MAP, Size, and Color by clicking the Add Column button next to the Search tool.

Finally, just as in other catalog views in Zentail, you can click on a specific SKU to see the product's details and make the needed edits to the product data. Critical issues appear on the integration card:

You can check for listing errors by clicking on the three vertical dots and selecting View Listing Errors.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Needs Attention mean?

SKUs that are in the Needs Attention segment are set to list to that channel, but they either have listing errors from the channel that prevent product data updates or they lack data that's required to be listed on that channel. By clicking on the SKU you will be able to check to see the specifics of the error. For more information about correcting critical issues and listing errors, check out the related reading below.

Related Reading

Video: Managing Listing Errors

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