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How to Manage Discovery Attributes for Amazon

Search Terms, Intended Use, Target Audience and other attributes used by Amazon for product searches

Michael Goldmeier avatar
Written by Michael Goldmeier
Updated over 3 years ago

Discovery Attributes are seller-populated attributes that Amazon uses to help customers find products via keyword searches. They are also used to return products when customers use browse navigation on Amazon. Zentail makes it easy to include these important keywords in your product data!

The Discovery Attributes available are:
Search Terms*
Other Item Attributes
Special Features
Used For - maximum length per line is 50 bytes
Subject Content
Target Audience 

*Note:  For Search Terms, if you have Tags filled out but you don't have Search Terms filled out, Zentail will send the tags as search terms. If you have both filled out Zentail will prioritize sending the terms in Search Terms rather than Tags. 

There are a several ways to add or delete Discovery Attributes in Zentail

How to add or delete Discovery Attributes via the UI  

To add or remove Discovery Attributes for a single SKU or product group, go to Catalog and scroll to the Discovery card. The first five fields are text fields where you can type directly into the field and then click on + to add the term or line of text to the field. The Target Audience field is slightly different because it is a select field, so you can either click one (or more of the choices) or check the select all box in the drop-down list.  

How to add or delete discovery attributes using Import

To manage keywords in bulk, you'll need to create a spreadsheet with the correct importable column headers.  As explained below, which column header(s) to use depends on whether you're adding discovery attributes where none currently exist or whether you're trying to add or remove terms to an existing set.  You'll need to replace Discovery Attribute with the specific attribute you want (i.e. Search Terms, Used For, etc.).  See the Zentail data dictionary for more information.  

Discovery Attribute - Using the attribute name as a column header will result in replacing any existing values in that field for the SKU, so it is a good way to initially add values to your discovery attribute fields.  If you are adding more than one term (or line of text), separate them with commas as shown in the example below for "Other Item Attributes":

Add <Discovery Attribute> - This allows you to add attributes in bulk on Zentail. If you want to add more than one attribute to a SKU via import, just add an additional "Add <Discovery Attribute>" field to your template.  The example below is for Search Terms: 

Similarly, for "Other Item Attributes", "Used For", and "Subject Content", you should add a separate column for each line.  So if you wanted two lines with three words each, your spreadsheet would look like this: 

Remove <Discovery Attribute> - This allows you to remove attributes in bulk on Zentail. If you want to remove more than one attribute from a SKU via import, just add an additional "Remove <Discovery Attribute>" field to your template.

You can then upload your spreadsheet to the Templateless Product Data Import in the Import page. 

How to add or delete Discovery Attributes using Bulk Actions

In some cases, you may want to set the same attributes for a subset of SKUs (such as all the SKUs in a product group or sharing a given brand).  Using the attributes described in the section above, it's possible to add or delete discovery attributes via the Bulk Actions suite.  You will need to create a filter for the SKUs you want to act on and choose the Set Value action, specifying which attribute you'd like.  For details on how to do this, read more about Bulk Actions and Automation Rules

Keyword attributes explained [Amazon Seller Central]
Using Search Terms Effectively [Amazon Seller Central]
SEO Best Practices

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