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Setting up Your Zentail and ShipStation Integration
Setting up Your Zentail and ShipStation Integration

Follow these steps when integrating your ShipStation account with Zentail

Michael Goldmeier avatar
Written by Michael Goldmeier
Updated over a week ago

You can follow the steps in this article to integrate your Zentail account with your ShipStation account. If you need a refresher, you can review our article on the ShipStation Integration Overview to learn more about how information is communicated between these two products!

Review your ShipStation Integrations page

Your integrations page controls high level items about your ShipStation integration, like your API credentials, whether to send the Marketplace Order ID, and other account-wide settings.

To get to your integrations page, go to the three vertical dots in the top right corner of the screen and select integrations.

Here's a breakdown of what you'll see when you click on ShipStation.

  1. API KEY and API Secret - This is where you'll be able to enter the API credentials from your ShipStation account. Without your API credentials, Zentail cannot communicate with ShipStation.

  2. Pull in Cancel Status - This allows you to cancel an order on ShipStation and have that "cancelled" status automatically flow into Zentail. This usually results in Zentail cancelling the order on the Channel/Marketplace too.  Important Note:  It is recommended that you keep this option de-selected (unchecked) and instead you cancel any orders directly on Zentail.  If you cancel an order on Zentail, that update will automatically be sent to the Channel/Marketplace and to ShipStation.

  3. Send Insurance Options - This is available for any sellers who need to regularly insure their packages. Usually this is for high-value products.  It is recommended that you keep this option de-selected (unchecked) unless you are sure that you need it.

  4. Sending Channel Data - This allows Zentail to send the Channel Name (e.g. "Amazon") and the the Channel Order ID into ShipStation. This is sent into Custom 1 and Custom 2 fields on ShipStation.  It is recommended that you have this option selected (checked).  The only reason to keep it unchecked is if you are already using the Custom 1 or Custom 2 fields on ShipStation for another purpose.

  5. Sync Stores - This needs to be run anytime you've added new stores on ShipStation and you want them to appear in Zentail.

  6. Title - This is what you'd like this integration to be called, for example "My ShipStation".

  7. Channels - This allows you to select which channels will have their orders sent to ShipStation by Zentail.

  8. Store ID - This is the ShipStation Store where your orders will be sent to by Zentail.  In most cases, this is the Manual Store that you've created on ShipStation for your Zentail orders.

Fill in your API credentials

Accessing your ShipStation API credentials

Here's how connect your ShipStation account to your Zentail account:

  1. Login to your ShipStation account

  2. Head to your Account Settings (the 'gear' or 'wrench' icon in the upper right).

  3. Select Account and then API Settings from the sidebar on the left.

  • If you have not already generated your set of API keys, you will need to generate them here.

  • Important: If a marketplace or third party is already connected to ShipStation this button will break the connection.  You can either put the new keys in the connected system, copy the keys from that system, or wait until you're ready to go live with Zentail and get these keys then.

Enter your ShipStation Credentials on Zentail

  1. In Zentail, go to the Integrations page.

  2. On the left sidebar, click the ShipStation option

  3. Copy the API Key from the ShipStation API page. Next, paste it into the API Key field in Zentail.

  4. Copy the API Secret from the ShipStation API page. Next, paste it into the API Secret field in Zentail.


Create a Manual Store on ShipStation

Follow this section to create a ShipStation Manual Store for each channel you plan on fulfilling with Zentail. This step is done in ShipStation.

The first decision you have to make is whether you want all of your Zentail routed orders in one store on ShipStation, or if you want a ShipStation store for each channel. For companies that segment out their order fulfillment workflow by marketplace, you may want to have multiple stores. However, the most common set up is to have all of your Zentail routed orders sent to just one store on ShipStation.

Creating Manual Store(s)

On ShipStation, head to your Account Settings (the wrench icon in the upper right).

 Next, select Selling Channels and then Store Setup from the sidebar on the left.

Then, click the Connect a Store or Marketplace button on the right side.

You'll see a list of available selling channels. Scroll through (or begin typing in "shipstation") to find and select the ShipStation branded selling channel.

From there, you can enter the store name (likely "Zentail" or "Zentail - eBay"). All other fields can be left as is.

The last field you'll need to enter is your timezone.

Click Create Store and save your changes on ShipStation!

Repeat to create as many stores as necessary.

Assign the appropriate Store ID for each Channel on Zentail

  1. After creating all your manual stores in ShipStation, go to the Zentail Integrations Page. In the Actions section of the ShipStation Integration view, click the SYNC STORES button.

  2. Select the channels you want Zentail to sync order data with. You will need to disconnect any direct integration between ShipStation and that channel (to learn more talk to your onboarding specialist).

  3. In the drop-down that appears below each channel, select the ShipStation "manual store" that Zentail should send orders into. 

  4. Click "SAVE SETTINGS"

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