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How to Conduct Order Testing

How to Cancel, Ship and Return your test orders

Ziggy avatar
Written by Ziggy
Updated over a week ago

Step 8

The following should be completed once you've placed test orders through you seller center. You will need to cancel one order and "ship" and refund the second by following our instructions below. To avoid delay please follow each step carefully.

Cancel one order

  1. Click one of the orders in Zentail.

  2. Click the 3-vertical-dot icon at the top of the order slider.

  3. Click "Cancel Order"

Ship the other order

  1. Click the other order in Zentail.

  2. Click the blue "SHIP" button.

  3. If you do not see a blue ship button, route the order by clicking the 3-vertical dot icon and selecting Routing information. Choose fulfill with the appropriate warehouse

  4. Un-toggle from "Purchase Label".

  5. Manually enter shipment information as shown below. [Edit: please use a fake tracking number with the correct number of digits]

  6. Click "SUBMIT"

Return the order you shipped

  1. In the "Shipped" section of the Orders page => Click the order that you just shipped

  2. Click Generate RMA on the order menu

  3. Click "Create Return"

  4. Click the "Complete Returns"  button that will appear below Generate RMA

  5. On the Complete Returns Menu that appears click "Complete RMA #X"Make sure "Issue Full Refund" is checked 

  6. The Order should now be marked as Returned

Complete the Launch Checklist

After completing your test orders, make sure you take care of the final item on the launch checklist by marking it as done:

If your account is still in "staging", open a case with Walmart to tell them you have completed the Order checklist:

Related reading: Walmart's Knowledge Base for order testing

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