Step 5
All integrations in Zentail are managed on the Integrations page. Here's how to connect your Walmart Marketplace account to your Zentail account:
Log into your Walmart Developer Center. Use the same log-in credentials that you use to log into Walmart Seller Center.
Scroll down to Production Keys for solution providers (Delegated Access) and use the drop-down to search or select Zentail, then click Add Provider.
Give Zentail the greatest level of access for all feeds.
Retrieve your Client ID & Client Secret from the API keys page. Important Note: You must click the blue "API Key" text next to Zentail to retrieve Zentail's delegated access keys.ย
In Zentail go to the Integrations page.
On the left sidebar => Click the Walmart option
Copy the Client ID from the Walmart Developer page => Paste it into the Client ID field in Zentail. Copy the Client Secret Key from the Walmart API page => Paste it into the Client Secret field in Zentail.