How to Find Your Amazon Seller ID or Profile Link for Zentail's Listing Checker

Find the information you need to generate a free analysis of your Amazon listings

Taj Singh avatar
Written by Taj Singh
Updated over a week ago

So you've discovered on our handy free tool, Amazon Listing Checker, but aren't sure how to complete your request? Fear not. There are several easy ways to find the ID and/or link that you need.

Accessing Your Amazon Storefront (Redirected) URL from Seller Central

Before we show you how to find your seller ID, it's important to note that the listing checker actually accepts specific links that include the seller ID within them. The series of steps below show you how to find that URL, which you can either paste directly into the listing checker or use to find your seller ID. 

  1. Navigate to Seller Central and click Settings in the upper right-hand corner.

  2. Click Account Info in the dropdown menu. 

  3. Click Your Seller Profile on the left side.

4. Copy and paste the URL under Storefront Link. It should look something like ""
5. Once the page loads, you'll notice a slightly different URL in the search bar. Copy this full URL into the Listing Checker and complete the rest of the form as needed. 

Alternative: Accessing Your Amazon Storefront URL from a Product Listing

You can get to the same link mentioned above by simply going to one of your product listings. From there, click your seller name. This should take your to your seller profile, which should have the same URL in the search bar. Copy and paste this link into the Listing Checker.  

Locating Your Amazon Seller ID

Your Seller ID is a string of 14 characters that's unique to your storefront. Since the Listing Checker accepts entire URLs, you likely won't need to resort to this option. But just in case, you can locate your ID within the same URL as noted above next to where it says "seller=". Copy and paste this ID into the Listing Grader to generate your report.

Need extra help? Contact us at [email protected] and we'll get you squared away. 

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